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A Blog set up primarily as a travel diary, but which will no doubt descend into linking to far more interesting and thoughtful blogs on infinitely more exciting topics.

Location: Now Sadly back in Australia

Friday, May 05, 2006

Went on 'Paparazzi' Tour of Bel Air and Beverly Hills today, and
saw an old guy driving into the Playboy mansion and it wasn't Hugh Hefner..

Got some nice photos of the nice part of LA, though i won't be able to upload any of them for a while because the computers at the hostel won't allow it.

Having said that, the Hostel is great. The actual rooms are spacious enough, and there's a Lounge upstairs which is pretty much just a cheap bar. You can't go wrong with $1 beers! Even if it is American beer.

Tonight there are free tequila shots and margaritas to celebrate Cinco de Mayo which is a big event this weekend in LA, given half the population is hispanic.

I'd explain what it is but hell, you're already on the internet, how hard is it to google it, and that's as if you even cared. Do I look like a fountain of knowledge?!



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