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A Blog set up primarily as a travel diary, but which will no doubt descend into linking to far more interesting and thoughtful blogs on infinitely more exciting topics.

Location: Now Sadly back in Australia

Sunday, May 07, 2006

Yesterday, i walked up to Runyon Canyon with a Novocastrian called Jim (that's an english northerner for those who can't speak Latin), and another aussie guy.
It wasn't part of the tour which the hostel runs, so we made it harder than it needed to be with a bit of bush bashing!

Ultimately got some great views of the whole city, and its a bloody massive city.
Also some good shots of the Hollywood sign.

Went to Santa Monica today, which involved a free shuttle 'bus/massive van with 17 people' going down the freeway at 180km/h.

The beach and promenade were mildly interesting but shopping wasn't the highest priority with about 175 days to carry around unnecessary purchases.

Caught the Metro bus back to Hollywood, which is LA's public transport - very cheap but not very efficient. But you get to see different parts of LA, which although not very glamorous, gives a better picture of the city as a whole.

Unfortunately, MI:3 isn't showing at the Chinese Theater on Hollywood Blvd., even though they had the premiere there on Thursday, the day I arrived with Tom Cruise and Katie Holmes, and a surpisingly C-list of celebrities from 10 years ago: Patrick Swayze, Kirstie Alley etc.

However, there is an impressive multiplex called Arclight on Sunset Blvd which is showing it. So a few of us, including 2 aussies, a another pom, and a columbian
went there to see a different film - United 93.

On reflection, probably not the best film to see for those catching a plane home tomorrow as some were. Or for those who had just flown in on an United Airlines flight (such as me). Fortunately, I won't be flying again for 5-6 weeks and it won't be on United.

Having said that, it was a VERY good film, although I don't think its coming out in Australia until August.

Heading off to Las Vegas tomorrow, perhaps the only city more outwardly glamorous, inwardly hollow than LA.

Should be fun!


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