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A Blog set up primarily as a travel diary, but which will no doubt descend into linking to far more interesting and thoughtful blogs on infinitely more exciting topics.

Location: Now Sadly back in Australia

Friday, June 30, 2006

Only 4 days to go until I head off on the lengthy european adventure.

Been in London for 2 weeks now and after a spell of average weather, it has now improved and is going to be in the high 20's until I go.

Ive been to the British Museum, Tate Modern, National Gallery, National Portrait Gallery, Buck Palace, Kensington Palace, Westminster Abbey, Houses of Parliament, and alot of parks.

I caught up with some of the other friends and relatives in the second week.
The Cotswalds for 2 days (look it up), visiting Michael (my grandmother's cousin) and Barbara in Malmesbury.

Michael took me to Bristol for a day, which normally isn't very exciting or advisable, but they have the SS Great Britain (look it up again - you've already got google open from the other thing you were looking up)in dry dock there, which was why we braved the incredibly innavigable 'system' of roads and roadworks, supported by the absence of directions to important landmarks.

Then I saw Becky (Michael and Barbara's daughter) and Neil and their little baby Elliot, who live in Walton-on-Thames in Surrey, not too far from Balham.

Also spent an afternoon with family friend and expat aussie Richard in Kensington.

I've now managed to see most of the main sights in London, and hopefully i'll get those photos up before i leave for paris (see link on side).

I was thinking about going to Wimbledon today, but although its quite close, there was nobody that exciting playing today and I still would have had to queue for 4 hours before the first match just to get a ground pass.

Instead I went to Borough, Camden, and Portobello Markets, only buying fruit
because even some of the 'cheap' clothes etc. are a bit pricey (for a cheap backpacker) and I want to pack as light as possible for the continent.

Unfortunately, I wasn't able to make it up to Scotland which i was hoping to.
I may still brave it when i get back if i have time before flying to Tokyo.

I've also now discovered how to change the comment system. You now don't have to sign up to Blogger to comment, just choose the option of 'other' and write your name.

How exciting...


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