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A Blog set up primarily as a travel diary, but which will no doubt descend into linking to far more interesting and thoughtful blogs on infinitely more exciting topics.

Location: Now Sadly back in Australia

Tuesday, June 06, 2006

The Harold Washington Library Center, Chicago has over 100 computers devoted to free internet access.

A welcome change from the $1 for 5 min slow access in hotel lobbies.

Having avoided a beating for wearing a terribly inappropriate cowboy hat (purchased for $9.88 (plus tax) at WalMart) to the Cody Nite Rodeo and then for the entire duration of a night out at the bar across the road from our campground (where other blokes were actually wearing them seriously like characters from Brokeback Mountain), i have somehow made it to Chicago.

We also spent a night at Devil's Tower in East Wyoming (see Close Encounters of the Third Kind for those playing along at home - The campground shows it every night)

Then we progressed past Mount Rushmore (where for some bizarre reason, i didn't have patriotic tears flowing down my cheeks, as some postcards suggested i should) to Badlands National Park, and then into Iowa before heading today through Wisconsin and into Illinois and Chicago.

Almost finished the American leg of the trip.
Incredibly, despite warnings to the contrary, i've managed to eat just as if not more healthily than at home since i got here.

Still, there's 7 days to go...


Blogger Ari Sharp said...

I've always thought that Mount Rushmore was an amazing natural feature. What are the chances of four Presidents looking just like the faces in the mountain?!

11:25 am  

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