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A Blog set up primarily as a travel diary, but which will no doubt descend into linking to far more interesting and thoughtful blogs on infinitely more exciting topics.

Location: Now Sadly back in Australia

Saturday, May 27, 2006

Sitting in the warmth of an internet cafe in Banff. Its bloody cold but the scenery is amazing. The last few days we've been surrounded by the stunning backdrop of the snow capped Canadian Rockies.

Having seen snow for the 2nd time in Yosemite, we were now treated to a third viewing when we actually saw a semi-frozen lake and it was actually snowing.

Angie (the other aussie, from Brisbane) and I played around in the snow like little school children and had a snow ball fight.

Yesterday we went whitewater rafting on the Kicking Horse River near Golden. We had to wear wetsuits and 2 wool jumpers and rain jackets and it was still freeeeeezing!

They had only opened the rafting season there 5 days ago, and recent warm weather had melted the glaciers so the water level had risen considerably.

It was great fun although not as long as the rafting in Costa Rica. However, our hands were numb from about (or aboot) the 2 minute mark until 5 hours later when we drove an hour to the Radium Hot Springs to thaw out.

Before heading to the Rockies, we spent two days in Vancouver, which was a wonderful city, in many ways similar to Melbourne.

We had a rather large night out on the first night there and on the second night, we caught a sea ferry across to North Vancouver and dined looking back at the city and the bay as the sun set (which was rather late, nearing 10 o'clock).

Before that we spent a night in Seattle (in the last hotel until Chicago 12 days later), which justly deserves its reputation as rainy one day, rainy the next.

We'll be back into the USA in Montana in 2 days and it better be warmer.. (he types as he prepares to leave the warm internet cafe)


Blogger boy_fromOz said...

makes you want to doff your hat to those pioneers, doing this in the days before polartec, plastic or electricity

not forgetting the even-better adapted indigenous people they drove out, of course

12:10 pm  

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