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A Blog set up primarily as a travel diary, but which will no doubt descend into linking to far more interesting and thoughtful blogs on infinitely more exciting topics.

Location: Now Sadly back in Australia

Wednesday, May 10, 2006

Just returned from 2 exciting nights in Las Vegas!
well sort of..

Travelled with LA city tours rather than making my own way via greyhound to the hostel there. I think it was worth it because the hostel was in a particularly dodgy area, and we stayed in a nice enough motel closer to the strip.

Stayed with a swedish guy who was also travelling alone and saved $50 (Huzzah!)
There were also 3 french girls who were with us most of the time, and we went to the Grand canyon with them yesterday. A long day - up at 6am, 4-5 hours there, 4-5 hours back, then stayed out in Vegas until pretty late.

I think we may have broken the record for the least amount of money spent in a trip to vegas! Paid about $5 for a meal and did all the free stuff!

There were so many sleazy mexican guys thrusting 'business cards' of hot babes who'll come to your room in 20 mins. Even on the main strip full of middle aged american couples.

I think they were genuinely surprised when i started collecting them all from every single guy!


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