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A Blog set up primarily as a travel diary, but which will no doubt descend into linking to far more interesting and thoughtful blogs on infinitely more exciting topics.

Location: Now Sadly back in Australia

Wednesday, July 26, 2006

5 minutes ago i was sweating profusely by the pool in a campground 20 mins out of venice.

I have finally made it to Italy, country number 7 in Europe and number 10 overall.

Prague was a beautiful city. The history and architecture were very interesting, and like Berlin, it had only been 10-15 years since Czech Republic had been independent.

We walked up along the northern side of the river along a beautiful park towards Prague Castle looking over the whole city. It was definitely the most beautiful city since Paris.

From Prague, we moved swiftly along to Vienna, a rather more expensive city, especially if you indulge in the Viennese Cafes, which fortunately i didnt because i dont drink coffee. Not that you'd want to when it was the hottest day ever around europe. I think itwas about 35 in london and probably the same in Vienna.
The first day, i actually got out of the city on a Wine tour about 1.5 hours out o f Vienna. Some wine tasting, a long bike ride, a great bbq with sausages filled with cheese and covered in bacon! Best.Sausage.Ever.

And a swim in the Danube. Also had some tastings of schnapps and some fantastic jam.

The second day involved minimal sightseeing due to the heat, but i went to the Haus der Music, which was air conditioned and very interesting.

Then we were off to Munich , by which time I had got a bit of a cold, possibly something to do with drinking every night since i left london.

So the best way to sober up was to go to the Dachau Concentration camp which was an unsettling but necessary experience. It was the first one ever built in 1933.


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